MATLAB: How to rename and save the result of image in the gui

rename and save the image

%Input file name is TOPGAL.jpg and i am converting it into grayscale:
%i am doing this with the help of push buttons in the GUI.
%input file – push button 1
global im
[filename,pathname]=uigetfile('*'); % read the input image
%oupufile – push button 2
"" now how to save the output image with the name as TOPGAL_gray.jpg("original file name"_gray.jpg) directly without need to type it again"

Best Answer

Try this:
[baseFileName, folder]=uigetfile('*') % read the input image
% other code.....
% Now save as jpg format.
[~, baseFileName, extension] = fileparts(baseFileName);
outputBaseFileName = sprintf('%s_gray.jpg', baseFileName);
outputFullFileName = fullfile(folder, outputBaseFileName)
imwrite(im1, outputFullFileName);