MATLAB: How to remove UI windows after a bug


Hi all,
I have a script that creates a waiting UI bar for the time of the for loop:
wb = waitbar(0,'Name','My waitBar');
for t = 0:t_end
do_stuff(t, other_stuff);
waitbar(t / span(end), wb);
However, when I try some things in do_stuff, I sometimes (often) have errors. So the script stops, but the UI windows remain and is impossible to close.
I thought a try/catch thing, but is there an easier way to get rig of those ghost windows?

Best Answer

I think it's a bad idea to automatically close the figure whenever there's an error since the figure may contain information that helps to diagnose the problem.
To close the figure manually, select the figure and then delete or force-close.
figure('CloseRequestFcn', [])
% or
To delete a stubborn ui figure, select it and use closereq.