MATLAB: How to remove the warning

add pathturn off warning messages

>> LFToolboxPath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
fprintf('Adding paths for LF Toolbox ');
addpath( LFToolboxPath );
addpath( fullfile(LFToolboxPath, 'SupportFunctions') );
addpath( fullfile(LFToolboxPath, 'SupportFunctions', 'CameraCal') );
fprintf('%s, done.\n', LFToolboxVersion)
Adding paths for LF Toolbox Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: SupportFunctions.
> In path at 115
In addpath at 95
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: SupportFunctions\CameraCal.
> In path at 115
In addpath at 95
v0.4 released 12-Feb-2015, done.

Best Answer

Do not execute that code by copying and pasting it into the command window. It needs to be executed from inside a .m file that is in the same directory that the code for the toolbox is in.