MATLAB: How to remove the noise from the wav file


please see the attached wav file. it is a stereo and one channel has the noise and the other channel has the desired signal. i would like to remove the noise from the file. i believe, if i am not mistaken, during the removal of noise the wav file wil convert to mono from stereo. it is okay if it happens. because my final output should be a mono wav file which only has the speech signal. can anyone please tell me how to do it in Matlab?
thanks in advance.

Best Answer

One channel contains some noise and the other not? So all you want to do is to remove one channel, such that you have a mono wav file?
Info = audioinfo(FileName);
Signal = audioread(FileName);
audiowrite('Output.wav', Signal(:,1), Info.SampleRate);
Or maybe Signal(:,2).