MATLAB: How to remove the error : ‘bus output must be defined by bus object for hdl code generation’.

HDL Coderhdlerror

I am trying to convert the following simulink model to vhdl. But this error is coming a lot of times.
As well as many other errors. error 2 : Matrices are not supported in this release. error 3 : Contain Ifaction port that is unsupported. error 4 : Action types are unsupported. Check out the hdl check report generated.
How to remove them?
To run simulink model first we need to run runnew.m and then the model. One png image is also needed but i am not able to upload it because of limitation to number of uploads.

Best Answer

Bus support in HDL Coder through R2013b does require bus objects to be defined for each bus. So, you will have to create bus objects in the base workspace or the model workspace to define any buses you want to use during HDL code generation. You will need to figure out your specific syntax issues. In R1014a bus support in HDL Coder will be significantly enhanced; one of the enhancements will be the lifting of the bus object requirement.
With respect to matrices: HDL Coder has never had support for matrices; you will need to figure out how to reduce matrix operations to vector operations.
If action subsystems are also not supported by HDL Coder. You can use enabled or triggered subsystems to implement the same logic instead.
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