MATLAB: How to remove the duplicate in the cell array but still keep the array structure

cell arraysmatrix array

A={[3 11];[6 5 8];[ 11 5];[5]};
I wonder if there is any way to remove the duplicate numbers in A but still keep the dimension of the cell array? like
A={[3 11];[6 5 8];[];[]};
appreciate your time!

Best Answer

A = {[3 11];[6 5 8];[ 11 5];[5]};
for iA = 1:numel(A)
a = A{iA};
for jA = iA + 1:numel(A)
A{jA} = A{jA}(~ismember(A{jA}, a));
list = A{1};
for iA = 2:numel(A)
A{iA} = A{iA}(~ismember(A{iA}, list));
list = union(list, A{iA})