MATLAB: How to remove the brackets from the numeric values around the zeros, so that only the numeric values are left and I am able to use boolean logic to get a solution ( 1 or 0)

boolean logicbracketsexpressionsmatrices

"( (1) | (0) )"
"( (0) | (1) | (0) )"
"( (0) | (0) )"
"( (1) | (0) )"
"( (0) & (1) & (0) )"
"( (0) | (0) | (0) )"
"(( (0) & (0) & (1) & (0) & (0) & (1) & (0) & (0) ) | ( (0) & (0) & (0) & (1) & (0) & (0) & (1) & (0) & (0) ))"

Best Answer

Hmm, seems like this was an opportunity to apply what you learned yesterday regarding regexprep, if you're trying to remove/replace strings. But you likely don't have to. It also seems that these already are boolean expressions in the form of strings. For example
x = ["( (1) | (0) )", "(0)", "( (0) | (1) | (0) )", "( (0) | (0) )", "( (1) | (0) )", "", "(0)", "( (0) & (1) & (0) )", "(1)", "( (0) | (0) | (0) )", "", "(( (0) & (0) & (1) & (0) & (0) & (1) & (0) & (0) ) | ( (0) & (0) & (0) & (1) & (0) & (0) & (1) & (0) & (0) ))", ""];
boolexp = arrayfun(@str2num, x, 'UniformOutput',0);
ans =
1×13 cell array
Columns 1 through 10
{[1]} {[0]} {[1]} {[0]} {[1]} {0×0 double} {[0]} {[0]} {[1]} {[0]}
Columns 11 through 13
{0×0 double} {[0]} {0×0 double}
Note that it returns empty where the string is empty. You can deal with this with
emptyInds = cellfun(@(v) isempty(v), boolexp, 'UniformOutput',1);
boolexp(emptyInds) = {NaN};
Unfortunately, can't use cell2mat to convert to an array because boolexp contains logicals and NaN. You would have to convert the logicals to doubles first (but then it wouldn't be boolean, would it?). Or deal with the empty cells another way. Or leave it the way it is. Up to you.