MATLAB: How to remove rows and columns in cell array

cell arrays

Example :
i 29317×10 cell array
Name DOB age ………………………… .address
ramesh 1994 25 sbc
suresh 1994 25 sbc
ram 1994 25 sbc
[ ] [ ] [ ]……………………………….. [ ] %25419 row
[ ] [ ] [ ]……………………………….. [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]……………………………….. [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]……………………………….. [ ] %29317 row
i want to remove these emtpy remove rowm 25419 to 29317 and all column wrt that row

Best Answer

Where C is your cell array:
C(25419:29317,:) = [];
You could also detect those rows automatically:
X = all(cellfun(@isempty,C),2);
C(X,:) = []