MATLAB: How to remove or exclude the intersecting part from two intersecting or overlaping spheres using Matlab

digital image processingimage acquisitionimage analysisimage processingimage segmentationMATLABmatlab functionmatlab gui

Hi everyone,
i have two spheres of radii R1 and R2 with centers C1 and C2 intersecting each others. i want to exclude the intersecting part. How to remove it to get new object like peanut. i used following code to get interseting spheres.

Best Answer

Here is what i invented
ix1 = (xc1-x2).^2+(yc1-y2).^2+(zc1-z2).^2 < R2^2;
ix2 = (xc2-x1).^2+(yc2-y1).^2+(zc2-z1).^2 < R1^2;
Of course i prepared explanations and result picture