MATLAB: How to remove Input Variable Not Used Warning

curve fittingCurve Fitting Toolboxwarnings

I used the following function to save curve fit results. I get a warning that fitresult and gof input variables are not used. If I replace these with ~ the function will not work. How can I silence the warning? I am using MATLAB R2014a. Thanks.
function SaveCurveFit(option, fitresult, gof)
switch option
case 1 % North Region
save ('NorthDailyFit','fitresult','gof');
case 2 % Central Region
save ('CentralDailyFit','fitresult','gof');
case 3 % South Region
save ('SouthDailyFit','fitresult','gof');

Best Answer

right click on the function statement line (1) and select the
"Suppress "input argument.... " On this line.
i.e. you will get this:
function SaveCurveFit(option, fitresult, gof) %#ok<INUSD>