MATLAB: How to remove incomplete elements in a vector? using loops


I have an experiment consisting of id numbers (x.y), where x = experiment number and y = part number.
If l have a vector, let's say:
v(id) = [1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 2.1, 1.1]
and want to remove the incomplete ones, namely: in experiment 1 because part 2 is missing
How can l do that and get the output: ans = 2.2, 2.3, 2.1 (it should remain in the same order as the original)

Best Answer

This should work:
v = [1.3 2.2 2.3 2.1 1.1];
requiredcount = 3;
experiments = floor(v)';
[uexp, ~, idx] = unique(experiments);
expcount = accumarray(idx, 1);
exptodiscard = uexp(expcount < requiredcount);
v(ismember(experiments, exptodiscard)) = []
Note that this entirely ignore the part number, it just counts the number of times an experiment is found and if it is less than the required count it is discarded. Therefore, it assumes that part numbers within an experiment are unique.