MATLAB: How to remove exponential notation

exponential notation

hi everyone. How can i remove exponential notation? but before that i need to convert to e+03 notation and then remove it
if my number is 1.6755e+05, i need that become 167.55e+03, but i want simply 167.55
if it's 7.6538e+04, i need that become 76.538e+03, but i want simply 76.538
and so on….

Best Answer

I actually wrote a function to do some of that just for the fun of it yesterday.
engstr = @(x) [x*10.^(-3*floor(log10(abs(x))/3)) 3*floor(log10(abs(x))/3)];
z = 1.6755e+05;
Result = engstr(z)
Result =
167.5500 3.0000
The ‘engstr’ function produces a (1x2) vector, the first element is the engineering notation mantissa, and the second is the exponent. Just use the first element to get the result you want.