MATLAB: How to remove candidates which are present on blood vessels

digital image processingimage processing

I am trying to remove pixels which are present on the blood vessels.I have two images ,one is the candidates image and the blood vessels image.I have studied that candidates won't occur on blood vessels.So, i have to eliminate the candidates which are present on blood vessels and get the output image.Can anyone help me with this? seg40.jpg
This is the bood vessel image and the candidate image is below as
I want to remove white dots on candidate image which are present on blood vessels in blood vessels image.
Thank you

Best Answer

"I have two images ,one is the candidates image and the blood vessels image.I have studied that candidates won't occur on blood vessels.So, i have to eliminate the candidates which are present on blood vessels and get the output image"
Use appropriate logical Operations, for example
result=bloodvessels_image & ~candidate_image
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