MATLAB: How to remove a red text from a greyscale image?!

colorgreyscaleimage processingimage segmentationMATLABred

Hello my friends;
hope you are all doing well,,
i'd like to ask how can i segment or remove a red text from grey scal image?!
i think about making a for loop and if condition so that if found the red color (1,0,0) will convert it to white but it doesn't work?! can you please check that with me or tell me about another solution for that! (i am using matlab 7.10)
example of the image i am talking about is attached!

Best Answer

Convert to HSV. The range of hues for the red will be very different than the range of hues for the grayscale.
Now, take one pane of the image, and double() it. Use the locations where red were detected and assign NaN to the array just mentioned. Now you can use John D'Errico's inpaint_nan File Exchange Contribution.
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