MATLAB: How to remove a dimension from multiple arrays and store it in different cell arrays or consecutive distinct arrays

cellsarraysmatrix array

I'm trying to get 16 different times of a variable inserted into an array and then stored in different arrays. What I can do is 16 different cell arrays, but in each cell array the last loop time is repeated, ie the same time of the variable is repeated in the 16 cell arrays. The code I have is the following:
for m=1:24:361;
for p=1:n;
Mod.Var3D.P.AllNivel.Dia{p}= squeeze(Mod.Var3D.RAIZ.P(:,:,:,m));
Someone who can help me please what is the error that I am committing that I am not able to store the 16 different times of the variable in each matrix.

Best Answer

The major problem with your code is that Mod.Var3D.P.AllNivel.Dia{p} is overwritten for every new value of the outer loop counter, m
Here is a MWE, minimal working example, of what I believe you are looking for.
>> Dia = cssm
Dia =
[6x1 double] [6x1 double] [6x1 double]
[6x1 double] [6x1 double] [6x1 double]
[6x1 double] [6x1 double] [6x1 double]
[6x1 double] [6x1 double] [6x1 double]
[6x1 double] [6x1 double] [6x1 double]
[6x1 double] [6x1 double] [6x1 double]
function Dia = cssm
% Dia is short for Mod.Var3D.P.AllNivel.Dia
% P is short for Mod.Var3D.RAIZ.P
P = magic(6);
Dia = cell(0);
n = 6;
for m=1:2:6
tmp = cell( n, 1 );
for p=1:n;
tmp{p}= squeeze(P(:,m));
Dia = cat( 2, Dia, tmp );