MATLAB: How to remodify matrix

remodify- matrix

I have a 6×4 matrix, in which each line has id, x-cor,y-cor, and z-cor for all 3 molecules continuously at time step t1 forllowed by same at t2.
I want to remodify the matrix such that each new file consists only the cord of given molecule
for eg;
1 3.34 4.56 7.86
2 7.09 4.99 5.98
3 8.67 6.90 7.00
1 3.78 2.89 4.78
2 4.78 7.24 6.38
3 4.56 3.10 6.27
I want out put as in file 1as
1 3.34 4.56 7.86
1 3.78 2.89 4.78
and in file 2 as
2 7.09 4.99 5.98
2 4.78 7.24 6.38
and file3 as
3 8.67 6.90 7.00
3 4.56 3.10 6.27

Best Answer

You can use following commands.
Let the 6x4 matrix be 'xyz'.
file1 = xyz(1,:;4,:)
file2 = xyz(2,:;5,:)
file3 = xyz(3,:;6,:)