MATLAB: How to register Pro/ENGINEER (Pro/E) software to SimMechanics Translator

pro/engineerproeregistersimmechanicsSimscape Multibodytranslator

I want to link SimMechanics Translator to my CAD Platform (which is Wild fire 3.0 Pro/E). I have installed the SimMechanics Translator successfully and could locate the 'proe2sm' file but from this point on I am having trouble in registering the Pro/ENGINEER to SimMechanics Translator.
I am using the README file provided by MathWorks to seek assistance with the process:
This README file talks about two ways:
1. “Specifying the absolute path of the Pro/TOOLKIT registry file in the PROTKDAT, PRODEVDAT, and TOOLKIT_REGISTRY_FILE statements of the Pro/ENGINEER configuration file”.
2. “Copy the content of the proe2sm.dat file to your existing Pro/TOOLKIT registry file”.
However, I am not able to find these configuration and Pro/Toolkit registry files and would like to know where they are located.

Best Answer

It is possible that "" configuration file may not exist on a given machine. In that case, it needs to be created at one of the possible locations, the easiest being the startup directory.
Once the "" configuration file is created in the startup directory, please perform the following steps:
1) Edit Pro/E configuration file and change the toolkit_registry_file value to point to the translator on your local machine as toolkit_registry_file $(proe2sminstalldir)\proe2sm.dat, where $(proe2sminstalldir) is the name of directory where you have installed the translator.
2) Configure the shortcut to Pro/E to automatically load Pro/E-to-SimMechanics translator.
a. Right-click the short cut to Pro/E which you want to configure to load Pro/E-to-SimMechanics translator.
b. Select Properties and change the Start in directory to the path for 'proeStartup' directory that you created in previous step.
3) Run Pro/E using the shortcut modified in step 2), and you should see a SimMechanics item in the menu toolbar.