MATLAB: How to register dll file in matlab donet builder

MATLAB Builder NEMATLAB Compilermatlab function

Hai , i have build the MagicDemoComp file to dotnet dll file using matlab dotnet builder. I using this dll file in visual studio 2005. I add reference to MagicDemoComp.dll, MWArray.dll ,mlapp.tlb , when i debug , the error "MagicDemoComp.Library not regitered" and " MWComutil Library not registered" are happen. How to register the dll file in window ? using Cmd or matlab commond prompt? I need to install MATLAB Component Runtime (MCR) for running the debug in visual studio ?

Best Answer

you don't need the MCR. See here:
Do this for the MWComutil.dll and MagicDemoComp.dll. The mwregsvr command should be known if MATLAB or the MCR is installed correctly (mwregsvr resides in the same folder as needed DLL's). In the case it is not kown, make sure that the MATLABROOT\runtime\ARCH folder is on your PATH. (MATLABROOT = installation folder of MATLAB, ARCH = system architecture (win32 or win64)).
Since registering a COM DLL means modifying the registry, make sure that you have the permission for that.
In addition, you built a COM DLL, so you dont need the MWARRAY.DLL and you also don't need the mlapp.tlb