MATLAB: How to reformat a FIGURE window to fit the dimensions of a UITABLE


I would like the UITABLE window to fit within a FIGURE akin to what the 'axis tight' command does for an AXIS object.

Best Answer

You can reformat a UITABLE to fit neatly within a FIGURE window programmatically. The following function is a means of setting the UITABLE and FIGURE properties to do the same:
function reformatTable(hTable,fig)
% Examples:
% reformatTable with no input argument formats the current axes with focus.
% reformatTable(axisHandle) formats Figure specified as input handle
if nargin == 0
fig = gcf;
hTable = get(gcf,'children');
warning(['No input arguments specified to REFORMATTABLE. Formatting Figure ',num2str(gcf),' by default.']);
hTableExtent = get(hTable,'Extent');
hTablePosition = get(hTable,'Position');
set(hTable,'Position',[20 20 round(1.5*hTableExtent(3)) round(1.5*hTableExtent(4))]);
set(fig,'position',[200 200 round(2*hTableExtent(3)) round(2*hTableExtent(4))]);
catch ME
error('FIGURE with UITABLE not open or in focus. Please ensure UITABLE is created');