MATLAB: How to reduce signal clutter in the Simulink diagram


How do I reduce signal clutter in my Simulink diagram? I have a number of signal lines, which makes my diagram hard to understand.

Best Answer

The possible options for reducing signal clutter are as follows:
1) Data stores blocks
2) GoTo/From blocks
3) Composite Signals (virtual bus, nonvirtual bus, mux)
To avoid any limitations, it is recommended to use composite signals (in particular buses) since these allow for the greatest flexibility and have the ability to scale to large, complex models. To compare the different composite signal techniques, you may refer to the following documentation page:
Virtual buses will meet most modeling requirements for combining signals, and execute faster than nonvirtual buses in generated code. Additionally, the "In Bus" and "Out Bus" ports greatly reduce complexity in the diagram compared to repeated "Bus Selector" and "Bus Creators" blocks. Therefore, this is likely the best solution for large, detailed models.