MATLAB: How to reduce an {nxm(3×1)} cell to a an {nx{3xm}} cell

cell arrays

I apologize in advance if this seems trivial.
I have an {nxm(3×1)} object. That is, I have an n x m cells, each a 1×3 matrice. I'd like to reduce this so that I have {nx1} cells, each of which contain 1 {3xm} cell (or double, it doesn't matter) so that I can easily export the various 3xm matrices to n different 3xm arrays within an excel spreadsheet.
I've made various attempts at writing for loops, to no avail.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: apparently I didn't look close enough at the cells, they are actually 1×3 doubles vice the original 3×1 I had stated.

Best Answer

for i=1:n