MATLAB: How to rectify the error that is index in position 1 exceeds array bonds

array bounds

my error
Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 66).
Error in cal_AP (line 5)
trains = CLBP_SMCH(trainIDs,:);
Error in approx_subband (line 63)
Accuracy_in_Percent = cal_AP(Hist,trainIDs, trainClassIDs,testIDs, testClassIDs)
i have attached my program with this? help me to overcome this error

Best Answer

close all;
clear all;
rootpic = 'Outex_TC_00014\';
datadir = 'results';
if exist(datadir,'dir');
sigmaSet = [1];
F = makeGDfilters(sigmaSet);
snr = 0; % here "0" only denotes "No noise"

K = 2;
C = 1;
Ls = 3;
Lr = 5;
picNum = 4080;
for i=1:picNum
filename = sprintf('%s\\images\\%06d.bmp', rootpic, i-1);
display(['.... ' num2str(i) ])
Gray = imread(filename);
% figure,imshow(Gray),title('Input Image');
Gray = im2double(Gray); % rescaling
if snr~=0 % here "0" only denotes "No noise"
Gray = awgn(Gray,10*log10(snr),'measured'); % measures the Gray and add white gaussian noise
I= rgb2gray(Gray);
%I = (Gray-mean(Gray(:)))/std(Gray(:));% normalized to have zero mean and standard deviation
%I = imnoise(I,'gaussian');
% image_resize=imresize(I, [160 160]);
%apply im2double
% image_resize=im2double(image_resize);
% F = makegaborfilters(sigmaSet,image_resize);
% I=rgb2gray(I);
[cA,cH,cV,cD] = dwt2(I,'coif1');
% f1 = extractLBPFeatures(cA);
% f2 = extractLBPFeatures(cH);
% f3 = extractLBPFeatures(cV);
% f4 = extractLBPFeatures(cD);
% % me=str2num(cA);
% % H1= zeros(cA,me);
% n1= hist(f1);
% n2= hist(f2);
% n3= hist(f3);
% n4= hist(f4);
% m= [n1 n2 n3 n4];
% % I= imnoise(I,'gaussian');
newHist = getFeatsCodes(F,sigmaSet, I, Ls, Lr, K, C); %4380*384
Hist = [Hist; newHist]; % <------ CHANGED
% reading data
trainTxt = sprintf('%s000\\train.txt', rootpic); %format tha data in array into string
testTxt = sprintf('%s000\\test.txt', rootpic);
[trainIDs, trainClassIDs] = ReadOutexTxt(trainTxt);
[testIDs, testClassIDs] = ReadOutexTxt(testTxt);
Accuracy_in_Percent = cal_AP(Hist,trainIDs, trainClassIDs,testIDs, testClassIDs)
display(['Time consuming ' num2str(toc/60) ' mins'])
save(['./results/TC10_LETRIST.mat'], 'Accuracy_in_Percent');