MATLAB: How to recover a previous version of a Simulink model in Simulink 7.6.2 (R2010bSP2)


I accidentally made some undesirable changes to my Simulink model and saved the changes. Is there any way I can restore the previous version of my model?

Best Answer

In Windows 7, you may be able to restore a previous version of the Simulink model by right-clicking on the model in Windows Explorer and selecting "Restore Previous Versions". This will only work if you previously had restore points or Windows Backup set up.
If the Simulink model caused a crash in a previous simulation, Simulink may create a backup file with extension '.bak' in the same folder. You can rename this file to one with extension 'mdl' to restore that version of the model.
If you would like to incorporate source control into your Simulink workflow, the Simulink Projects feature, introduced in version R2011b, may be something to look into. Among other things, Simulink Projects has an interface to Subversion (SVN), which can allow you to use source control for your Model-Based Design workflow. Additional information on Simulink Projects can be found at the following links: