MATLAB: How to record result in a for loop nested in a for loop

for loopMATLABmultiple outputoutput

The purpose of my code is to combine the output from multiple output which is nested in a for loop.
When i tried (as much as I know), the error "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch" pops out.
example of the code is as follows:
for i = 1:5
for j = 1:10
matA = [j+i];
matB = [j*5 j+1];
outtemp (j,:) = [matA matB];
alpha = i*10;
outfinal (alpha,:) = [outtemp];
Thanks in advance.
PS: I tried changing the outfinal into outfinal(i,:), but the same error pops out.

Best Answer

Not sure what the point of alpha is, but here’s something to save your data.
for i = 1:5
for j = 1:10
matA = [j+i];
matB = [j*5 j+1];
outtemp (j,:) = [matA matB];
alpha = i*10;
outfinal (:,:,i) = [outtemp];