MATLAB: How to reconstruct an image

image processing

hi.. can you help me? I've these code, example :
image_top_left = I(1:256,1:256);
image_top_right = I(1:256,257:512);
image_bottom_left = I(257:512,1:256);
image_bottom_right = I(257:512,257:512);
then i'll change its position, example :
after all, i want it'll be show as one image again…how can i get it? thank you

Best Answer

Stitch them together in whatever order you want. The pattern is
[upperLeft, upperRight; lowerLeft, lowerRight]
To do what you tried to do, you'd do this:
scrambledImage = [image_bottom_left, image_bottom_right; image_top_left, image_top_right];
so that now the bottom left of the old image is the upper left of the new image, etc.
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