MATLAB: How to rearrange 3 small matrices to a bigger one with a certain order of rows without using loops


I guess this one is quite simple but yet I didn't come up with a nice solution:
I have three smaller Matrices that I want to transform to one bigger one with the following order:
>> A1 =
1 1
2 2
A2 =
3 3
4 4
A3 =
5 5
6 6
They should be transformed to one Matrix in this order:
B =
1 1
3 3
5 5
2 2
4 4
6 6
So always take the first row of each matrix, then take all the second ones and so on!
Is there a nice and quick solution that does not require loops?
Thanks in advance again!

Best Answer

B=reshape([A1(:)' ;A2(:)'; A3(:)'],size(A1,1)*3,size(A1,2))