MATLAB: How to read video file (.avi)

filevideovideo processingvideoreader

I am trying to read video using "VideoReader"
I attached test videos. There are two files.
I can read "person01_boxing_d1_uncomp.avi" file, but I can't read "person01_boxing_d4_uncomp.avi"
How can I solve this problem? I'm using Win7 64 on laptop.
clear all
close all
info = mmfileinfo('person01_boxing_d1_uncomp.avi');
info = mmfileinfo('person01_boxing_d4_uncomp.avi');

Best Answer

Hello Kong,
I believe that you're referring to the error when using the function mmfileinfo, and not the VideoReader object to read video files, because I did not run into any errors when using the VideoReader object on the files that you shared.
However, I did run into a "Could not get file information" error when using the mmfileinfo function with the second file, and the solution to this problem is mentioned in this MATLAB Answer here:
Hope this helps!