MATLAB: How to read video and save each video to CSV file

.csv fileimage processingread videovideo processing

I want to read video and save each video to CSV file.
How can I fix the code this part?
Thank you!
clear all
close all
%// read the video:
list = dir('*.avi')
% loop through the filenames in the list
for k = 1:length(list)
reader = VideoReader(;

Best Answer

Hi Kong
clear all
close all
%// read the video:
list = dir('*.avi')
% loop through the filenames in the list
for k = 1:length(list)
reader = VideoReader(;
% do some calculations that end up assigning an array called X
% make csv file whose name matches the avi file
[~,name] = fileparts(; % get the file name without the extension
outfile = strcat(name,'.csv')
csvwrite(outfile,X); % assumes you have already assigned the array X earlier
By the way, I see this is a follow up to your earlier question. Sorry I didn't see that you had left this as a comment in that thread. For continuity, might be better next time to try sending one more comment to ask if anyone had any further ideas. That way if I missed it the first time I might see it and be able to follow up.