MATLAB: How to read .txt file which have complex numbers and how to separate real and imaginary parts of the complex numbers

complex numbertext filetextscan

I have been trying to load .txt file which is attached with this post. Actually my task has two parts:
a) How I can read the .txt file which comprised of complex numbers?
I have been trying with textread command but it is assigning the real and imaginary part of the complex number in different rows. Actually I want both real and imaginary part of the complex number in a same cell.
b) How can I sepaarte the real and imaginary part and put them in separate columns?

Best Answer

fid = fopen("smithchartall.txt") ;
S = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f\n','HeaderLines',1) ;
fclose(fid) ;
C1 = S{1} ; C2 = S{2} ; C3 = S{3} ;
% Seperate real and imaginary
C2_real = real(C2) ;
C2_imainary = imag(C2) ;