MATLAB: How to read two Excel files and assign columns as variables in MATLAB

assigning variablesexcelimporting excel datavariable

Hello, I am using MATLAB 2017b. I have two Excel.xlsx files, call them A and B, containing time vs. instrument signals under two different conditions. I would like treat the columns of A and B as variables for performing further operations such division in the Fourier domain. The first column in A.xlsx is "t" and second column "S", and the first column in B.xlsx as X and second one as S0. I checked from the web and youtube videos to use xlsread, how do you assign a variable name to a particle column in MATLAB. Thanks.

Best Answer

num = xlsread('A.xlsx');
t = num(:,1);
S = num(:,2);
num = xlsread('B.xlsx');
X = num(:,1);
t0_and_S0 = num(:,2);
A = readtable('A.xlsx');
B = readtable('B.xlsx');
t = A.t;
S = A.S;
X = B.X;
t0_and_S0 = B{:,2}; %I do not want to guess the variable name it ended up with