MATLAB: How to read the xPC DAT file generated in xPC Target 4.2 (R2009b) without having to launch MATLAB

.datdosreadxpcfileSimulink Real-Time

I have run my model in xPC target and would like to interpret the DAT file for post-process analysis. I would like to do this without having to launch MATLAB and use the READXPCFILE function. I would like to know if there is a DOS utility function that allows the functionality of READXPCFILE without having to launch MATLAB.

Best Answer

The ability to read a DAT file without using READXPCFILE in MATLAB is not available in xPC Target 4.2 (R2009b).
As a possible workaround, you may wish to create a MATLAB script that reads the DAT file using READXPCFILE and writes the data to a CSV or MAT file. You can then call this script via the command line using the the following startup command:
matlab –r <script.m>
For further information on starting up MATLAB in batch mode, refer to the the documentation page by executing the following at MATLAB command prompt (R2009b):
web([docroot '/techdoc/ref/matlabwindows.html'])