MATLAB: How to read text file and to ignore the first 10 rows and to take only the 4rth and 5th columns


how to read text file and to ignore the first 10 rows and to take only the 4rth and 5th columns? from this file:
i tried to use textscan but i don't really understand how to and it looks a bit complicated
any other solution or how to do this?

Best Answer

cac = textscan( fid, '%*f%*f%*f%f%f%*f%*f', 'Headerlines', 10 );
Doc says: &nbsp %* &nbsp Skip the field. textscan does not create an output cell for any field that it skips.
That's not too complicated!
"any other solution or how to do this?" &nbsp None less complicated than textscan - AFAIK
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