MATLAB: How to read only a specific line while reading a text file in MATLAB


I have a text file that I want to import into MATLAB. However I do not want to read it line by line and instead skip to a specific line number. How do I do it?

Best Answer

Use the following sample code to read only a specific line from a text file into MATLAB:
>> % open the file
>> fid=fopen('R2CameraDetectionParam.txt');
>> % set linenum to the desired line number that you want to import
>> linenum = 3;
>> % use '%s' if you want to read in the entire line or use '%f' if you want to read only the first numeric value
>> C = textscan(fid,'%s',1,'delimiter','\n', 'headerlines',linenum-1);
If you wish to read more lines remember to reset the file pointer to the start of the file by using the following command :
>> fseek(fid,0,'bof');