MATLAB: How to read more than one variable with the ‘vbload’ command of MatrixVB


I can save two matrices to a file using MatrixVB with the 'vbsave' command.
I would like to read them both in with the 'vbload' command.
Here is my sample of code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
a1 = magic(5)
a2 = magic(3)
vbsave "magic", a1, a2
' saves a1 and a2 to the file "magic.mat"
'THIS DOES WORK, You can verify by loading your file from MATLAB
b = vbload("magic") 'loads the content of the
' file "magic.mat" to the
' variable b
'This below does not work as expected
c = b(1) 'This is supposed to be a 5x5 matrix
c = b(2) 'This is supposed to be a 3x3 matrix
End Sub

Best Answer

There is no workaround for this issue, because MatrixVB is no longer being developed.
Consider using Excel Builder as a replacement/migration product from MatrixVB.