MATLAB: How to read many netcdf files with complex names by using loop in MATLAB


Hello Guys,
I would like to read many Netcdf files with this type of names:[960:969][986:992],lat[986:992],lon[960:969][960:969][986:992],lat[986:992],lon[960:969][960:969][986:992],lat[986:992],lon[960:969]
As you see the first number shows the date 20140401 and then time in order to hour, minute and second.
I need to use a loop to read them in order to sorting time!!
these three files as a sample are attached.
Thank you in advance for considering this question.

Best Answer

Are you reading these files locally? Or is it via OPeNDAP? If the files are local, it may be easiest to query all the filenames using dir, and then sort by the date portion of the files.
If you can't do that, then do you know how many files to expect? Start date, end date, and time interval between files? Do you know the pattern to the -E portion of the file name?