MATLAB: How to read information from a txt file header

readtext file

I have several hundred txt files with the below format.
Is there a way that I can not only read the numeric data, but also the Date, Time, Latitude, and Longitude from the header automatically?
Thank you.

Best Answer

Assuming the header information is always the same format (or at least same number of lines):
fid = fopen('data2.txt','rt');
tmp = textscan(fid,'%*s = %f',5,'headerlines',9);
metainfo = tmp{1}
hdrs = textscan(fid,repmat('%s',1,8),1,'delimiter',',');
units = textscan(fid,repmat('%s',1,8),1,'delimiter',',');
tmp = textscan(fid,repmat('%f',1,8),'delimiter',',','collectoutput',true);
data = tmp{1}
I'm hesitant to even suggest this, but... you could replace the third line with:
for k=1:size(tmp{1},1)
eval([tmp{1}{k},' = tmp{2}(k);']);
This will give you variables DATE, LATITUDE, etc with the values read from the file.
And may Cleve have mercy on my soul.