MATLAB: How to read in specific File names


I have a matrix containing a list of .csv files from a specific folder.
There are two different files however, one which ends in '_DE.csv' and the other ending with '_NDE.csv'.
What code can I use to specifically read them individually dependent on whether it is DE or NDE? This needs to be for i number of files.
An idea I think is to use if to produce a matrix of equal dimensions but with 1's and 0's for the specific file I want then multiply, but any attempt at this has failed so far.

Best Answer

>> C = {'A_NDE.csv';'B_DE.csv';'C_DE.csv';'E_NDE.csv';'F_NDE.csv'};
>> T = regexpi(C,'_(N?)DE.csv$','once','tokens');
>> X = cellfun('isempty',[T{:}]) % True == NE, False == NDE
X =
0 1 1 0 0
and getting just those names:
>> C(X)
ans =
>> C(~X)
ans =