MATLAB: How to read image data sets from a folder at once

accessing multiple images from a folder and its conversion

Hello. I have 40 datasets in a folder in C drive. I need to convert those files from RGB to grayscale and should resize it but i am unable to read the file and cant convert all the files from RGB to gray at once and cant resize all the images at once and should save the converted and resized images. Can anyone help me with the coding of that please

Best Answer

OutputFolder = 'C:\Temp'; % Set as needed [EDITED]
dinfo = dir('*.jpg');% image extension
for K = 1 : length(dinfo)
thisimage = dinfo(K).name;
Img = imread(thisimage);
Y = imshow(Img);
Gray = rgb2gray(Img);
GrayS = imresize(Gray, [112, 92], 'bilinear');
imwrite(GrayS, fullfile(OutputFolder, thisimage)); % [EDITED]
Or any other method for the resizing, see: doc imresize.
[EDITED] See the changed code for writing the changed file. Perhaps you want to modify the file name. Then you can split the file extension and the name by fileparts.