MATLAB: How to read file .txt


I have file .txt contains
1 2
2 3
I want to read the file and put each value 12 , 23 in a cell array
How can I do that
Please help me.

Best Answer

Assuming your text file is named myTextFile.txt and contains only that matrix,
A = readmatrix('myTextFile.txt'); % for Matlab >= 2019a
%A = dlmread('myTextFile.txt'); % for matlab < r2019a
B= mat2cell(A,[1,1],2).'; % If you want to split the matrix by rows
B= mat2cell(A.',[1,1],2).'; % If you want to split the matrix by columns
In your example it's unclear whether your splitting the matrix by rows or by columns since both result in the same output. Use the 2nd line above to split by rows and the 3rd line to split by columns. Both produce a 1x2 cell containing two 1x2 vectors.
This version below is more generalizeable in case the size of your matrix changes.
B = mat2cell(A,ones(size(A,1),1),size(A,2)).'; %by row....
B = mat2cell(A.',ones(size(A,2),1),size(A,1)).'; %by column...