MATLAB: How to read CSV file and save the result to another CSV file

csvimage analysismatrixmatrix arraymatrix manipulation

I have several CSV files.
After processing each CSV file, I want to save each CSV file to other name using for loop.
The names of input file are different (bend1.csv, walk2.csv, jogging2.csv, ….)
clear all
close all
X = csvread('bend1.csv');
X = X(:,1:28);
data = X';
% After processing......
% I want to each Y matrix to CSV files
Y = Phi_NuMax * X';
csvwrite('/result/bend1.csv', Y);

Best Answer

a simple structure:
outDir = yourDestination.
allCsvFiles = dir(fullfile(yourDirectory, '.*csv'));
for iA = 1:length(allCsvFiles)
curFile = allCsvFiles(iA).name;
yourTable = readtable(fullfile(yourDirectory, curFile));
% your process
writetable(fullfile(outDir, curFile), yourTable);