MATLAB: How to read a column named by some header in data file


Dear All, I have 10 to 15 columns named with different headers in one data file (data.dat) (sample data file is attached below). The position of the column is not fixed and they can change after each run according to the inputs. Therefore, it is difficult to make a program with fixed column numbers. Is there any way to sort out the columns by their name and then proceed for other calculations? For example: Plot between Time and 2p2_3p1_4S___, multiplying any column by number (scalar), etc.
Time 2p2_3p1_4S___ 2p1_3p1_3D___ 2p1_3d1_4F___ 1s2_3p1_2P___
1.0000000E-07 1.387545E-011 8.116580E-008 6.224102E-006 1.804010E-006
2.0000000E-07 3.149958E-012 1.922005E-008 1.512518E-006 4.319076E-006
3.0000000E-07 2.180968E-012 1.353958E-008 1.076323E-006 6.377379E-006
4.0000000E-07 1.951598E-012 1.214133E-008 9.663528E-007 7.997309E-006
5.0000000E-07 1.805993E-012 1.124047E-008 8.948846E-007 9.263814E-006
6.0000000E-07 1.690790E-012 1.052642E-008 8.381780E-007 1.024948E-005
7.0000000E-07 1.597212E-012 9.946256E-009 7.920958E-007 1.101235E-005
8.0000000E-07 1.520693E-012 9.471772E-009 7.544044E-007 1.159861E-005
9.0000000E-07 1.457775E-012 9.081556E-009 7.234037E-007 1.204494E-005
1.0000000E-06 1.405719E-012 8.758646E-009 6.977473E-007 1.238051E-005
1.1000000E-06 1.362348E-012 8.489555E-009 6.763642E-007 1.262849E-005
1.2000000E-06 1.325931E-012 8.263553E-009 6.584026E-007 1.280729E-005
1.3000000E-06 1.295089E-012 8.072101E-009 6.431845E-007 1.293155E-005
1.4000000E-06 1.268726E-012 7.908405E-009 6.301705E-007 1.301287E-005
1.5000000E-06 1.245968E-012 7.767055E-009 6.189311E-007 1.306048E-005
1.6000000E-06 1.226121E-012 7.643745E-009 6.091243E-007 1.308170E-005
1.7000000E-06 1.208630E-012 7.535042E-009 6.004778E-007 1.308236E-005
1.8000000E-06 1.193055E-012 7.438214E-009 5.927743E-007 1.306706E-005
1.9000000E-06 1.179043E-012 7.351078E-009 5.858408E-007 1.303945E-005
2.0000000E-06 1.166313E-012 7.271897E-009 5.795392E-007 1.300244E-005
Your kind help will be highly appreciated. Thanks

Best Answer

T.Time %finds column header with Time
^^^^|______________________________________%denotes column header
T.x2p1_3d1_4F___ = T.x2p1_3d1_4F___ * 2;
why x in front of 2 see comment
Then how will I write a program which read the data file and then searches the header for 2p1_3d1_4F___
You don't have to , if you specify the header name it will do the work for you