MATLAB: How to reach audioTestBench -> audioFileR​eader.Samp​lesPerFram​e for use in the plugin

Audio Toolboxaudiotestbenchsystem audio toolbox

I'm creating a Real-Time frame-based plugin with the System Audio Toolbox, to run through the audioTestBench. In the audioTestBench the input is set to "Audio File Reader" or "Audio Device Reader" depending on my current setup. This allows me to specify the desired number of samples per frame, a number that is relevant for the frame-based plugin code, however I'm unable to read the samples per frame into the plugin code?
Using the function "getSamplesPerFrame(audioPluginSource)" always returns the default value 256, since I'm not using "setSamplesPerFrame" to define the frame size.
So my question is, how do I reach the instance of e.g. "dsp.AudioFileReader" that is used within the UI of the audioTestBench, such that is can read the specified samples per frame within the plugin?

Best Answer

Hi Kim,
There is no programmatic interface to the Audio Test Bench UI. However, you could obtain the SamplesPerFrame property of dsp.AudioFileReader by calculating the size of the input data to the 'process()' method. For example, the source code of the Audio Test Bench could be edited to include:
classdef myEchoPlugin < audioPlugin
function out = process(plugin,in)
spf = size(in,1);
out = in;