MATLAB: How to re-write an anonymous function into a standard function


I'm new to matlab. I would like to rewrite the following anonymous function into a standard function but I got struggled with the syntax.
Original function:
objc = @(w) [-mu'*w' w*C*w'];
My adjustment:
function [returns,variance] = MultiObjective(mu,C)
returns = -1*mu'*w';
variance = w*C*w';

Best Answer

Hi Jesus,
[ CORRECTED to include a minus sign ]
function [returns,variance] = MultiObjective(mu,C,w)
returns = -mu'*w';
variance = w*C*w';
Since it is a normal (non-anonymous) function, all variables are passed in on input, in whatever order you choose. (Of course you could define hardwired constants inside the function as well). Also, no need to multiply by -1.