MATLAB: How to re-train a model optimized by Bayesian optimization on new data

bayesian optimizationfitrensemblehyperparameter optimizationmachine learningre-train modelStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

I optimized a regression ensemble
model = fitrensemble(X,Y,...);
with active HyperparameterOptimizationOptions, so the resulting model object of type RegressionBaggedEnsemble contains a HyperparameterOptimizationResults object. How can I use this easily to re-train the model on a new data set with the best point found by the hyperparameter optimization algorithm? Something like this would be nice:
newModel = fitrensemble(Xnew,YNew,model.HyperparameterOptimizationResults.bestPoint);
My current approach is tedious, because I have to distinguish between the method the optimization algorithm selected (Bag,LSBoost) and set all parameters manually (and I'm even not sure if this is correct):
best = model.HyperparameterOptimizationResults.bestPoint;
ttmp = templateTree('MinLeafSize',best.MinLeafSize,'MaxNumSplits',...
if best.Method=='Bag' %#ok<BDSCA>
newModel = fitrensemble(Xnew,YNew,...
newModel = fitrensemble(Xnew,YNew,...
This question is not restricted to fitrensemble, but includes all similar model functions available in Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox (fitrlinear, fitrgp …).

Best Answer

Your current approach (explicitly passing the values that the optimization found) is the right way to do it.
There is a faster/simpler way which uses undocumented functionality, and which therefore may change in the future. So, use at your own risk. You create a template from your model and then fit it:
model = fitrensemble(X,Y,...);
tmp = classreg.learning.FitTemplate.makeFromModelParams(model.ModelParameters);
newModel = fit(tmp,Xnew,Ynew)