MATLAB: How to ranking the values of one column in matrix and replace it without sorting of values of next column

for loopmatrixrankingsortingvectorsx and y values

I have 4 points with x and y values: [4,7],[2,2],[10,2],[6,1].
And I put all points in one matrix A, where the first column represents x values, the second column shows y values of 4 points.
A =
4 7
2 2
10 2
6 1
I need to rank x values by putting in first row the lowest x=2, the second row x=4 and so on. But I don't
need to sort the second column (y values should be replaced with x values):
I need a result as shown below in matrix A:
A =
2 2
4 7
6 1
10 2
So, the lowest x values represents the first point,
For clearance:
1 point=[2,2]
2 point=[4,7]
3 point=[6,1]
4 point=[10,2]
Could anyone help me?

Best Answer

A =[ 4 7
2 2
10 2
6 1]