MATLAB: How to put ‘(xlsread) variable’ in { }

{ }MATLABput variable invariable

data1 = xlsread('~~~.xlsx');
data2 = xlsread('~~~.xlsx');
data3 = xlsread('~~~.xlsx');
d = {'data1','data2','data3'};
num_d = numel(d);
I want to load the .xls file. (at least one to three)
each of them would be named as data1,2,3.
what i want to do is put that variables in { }
ex) if i read one data by ' data1 = xlread('~~~.xls') ', there woluld be only 'data1' in d. so the num_d = 1 . and so on.
can i get some help?

Best Answer

Like this:
d = {data1, data2, data3};
If it's in a for loop, then do it like this
for k = 1 : 10
filename = whatever......
d{k} = xlsread(filename);