MATLAB: How to put title in graph


I would like to put title in each graph with original file names. However, when I try it, error message was given "You cannot subscript a table using linear indexing (one subscript) or multidimensional indexing (three or more subscripts). Use a row subscript and a variable subscript."
I could not find the solution. Could you help me?
I put core code for this question.
filelists = dir('*.txt');
file = length(filelists);
title = struct2table(filelists);
title_2 = title{:,1};
title_S = erase(title_2,".txt");
for i= 1:file
title_ind{i} = title_S{i};
hold on
hold off

Best Answer

You assigned
title = struct2table(filelists);
That creates a variable name title, which makes it difficult to use the function named title()
Do not use title as the name of a variable.