MATLAB: How to put the lengths of each string in a cell array of strings into a single vector

cell arrayindexinglengthsize;stringsvector

I have tried in vain to put this one together. This does work: s = seq(n,:),where n is the specific line for a the string. I've tried using the length and size functions, but I can't get the individual row lengths into a vector. I've also searched through the function lists and looked for similar questions. Ideally, I want to index the cell's in their original order, and put the index number next to the length value. I know how to create a vector with numbers 1 to 100 –v = 1:1:100, but I'm not sure how to line that up and add it to the string array. I apologize for my newbiness, I admit this is a beginner question. Any feedback is appreciated. thx

Best Answer

If I understand your question correctly:
A = {'Hello', 'World!!!'}
B = cellfun(@length, A)
cellfun executes a function over every element in a cell array.