MATLAB: How to put en dashes instead of hyphens for a negative values on the x,y-axis and colorbar numbers


Left picture has correct view: en dashes are used on the y-axis negative numbers.
Right picture is what I usually have: hyphens are used on the y-axis negative numbers.
I need to change this in a purpose for the publication, it`s an important note. I checked already everything and didn`t find any info besides the latex interpreter for the text function.

Best Answer

ax = gca;
yticklabels(ax, strrep(yticklabels(ax),'--','–'));
set(ax,'ticklabelinterpreter','none') %or 'tex' but not 'latex'
The replacement character is the unicode en-dash character, U+2013
Note: the 'none' interpreter and 'tex' interpreter support unicode, but latex interpreter does not.