MATLAB: How to put a matrix into an cell element

arrayscellcell arraycell arraysMATLABmatrix

Hi everyone,
I have a cell array called inputs2 with 7 coloumns and 10001 rows. I want to be able to take each row entry and combine it to a single matrix and put that into a cell array like shown below.
% So like this
[0.8668;0.3571;0.2254;0.7989;0.4415;0.1627;0.3671] in the first cell and so on [..;..;..;..;..;..;..;]... for the 10001 entries.

Best Answer

for i=1:10001
new_cell=new_cell'; % Transpose if you want
% Alternatively if you desire the individual cells to have a row matrix- use 'horzcat' instead of 'vertcat'
% If you have more coloumns- use a nested loop (for j=1:(number of coloumns)) after the first loop
% Example for i=1:10000
% for j=1:7
% new_cell{i}=vertcat(input_test{i,j});
% end

% end
You should get a result as shown on the left.
Hope it helps!